Bells Canyon Lower Falls

Description of the Trail

Starting at the Sandy bench this trail takes you along some beautiful singletrack up past Bells Reservoir and into Bells Canyon. Then following the creek up the canyon you arrive to a turn off that takes you to a beautiful waterfall. Bells Canyon Lower Falls is one of the great hikes of the Wasatch. The parking lot on any given Saturday confirms that. Be aware that parking can be tricky and the trail very busy on nice days in the WASATCH. The best times to take in this hike may be on sunny winter days when the crowds are few. We hiked this on one winter weekday and still saw over a dozen other individuals on the trail.

To help you find the trail here are some directions. Starting at the Bells Canyon Trailhead you wind your way up and along the the trail until you reach the reservoir. Many will end their hike here, but we highly recommend that you continue onward. Take the perimeter road to the east and you will come to a singletrack trail on your left. There is a sign to mark the trail to the waterfall. This trail will then wind through the trees until you come to a bridge hat puts you on the south side of the river. Follow the river up into the canyon. You will then climb your way up the canyon. After you’ve ascended for a while up the steep trail you will see a fork trail off to your left. This trail then winds back into the trees and down to a ledge where you are able to take in the views of the Bells Canyon Lower Falls. Along this side trail you can also capture some amazing valley views as well.


Trail Stats

Total Distance

4.6 Miles

Vertical Gain

1,578 feet

Trail Type

Out and Back

Trailhead Location

Bells Canyon TH


Best Season


2 Hours Year Round Hiking/Snowshoe

Max Elevation

Min Elevation


6,793 feet 5,261 feet Moderate